the lighthouse of learning

keep the most important notes at hand

receive content vetted by other learners

organize your information

Key features

Data organization

Find what you need faster

Everytime you search for a subject, GuideMe will recommend the best resources based on other users reviews and the level of knowledge you have on that subject.

Save what is important

Make sure you don't lose the information that answers your questions and that you've finally found after hours of researching, by saving them in your journal stored in the cloud.

Data organization
Data organization

Organize your resources

Avoid the 23-opened-tabs-at-once situations by creating a folder for your studying sessions. Add links, name them and note them so later you will know why they are valuable. Future you will appeciate this!

What you get

Quality content logo

Quality content

Resources are reviewed by other people by the impact on their learning experience. This assures higher relevance.
Quick learning logo

Quick learning

Quality content is provided for a better learning experience, saving you from the hassle of trying to study using bad quality resources.
Varied content logo

Varied content

The content provided is selected from various sources from the Internet, it is not limited to what a single platform or service provides.

How to install

  1. Click here to download a ZIP of our extension.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. For Chrome:
    • Navigate to chrome://extensions
    • In the top right corner check Developer mode
    • In the top left corner, click Load unpacked
    • Select the unzipped folder from step 2
    For Edge:
    • Navigate to edge://extensions
    • In the bottom left corner check Developer mode
    • In the top part of the page click Load unpacked
    • Select the unzipped folder from step 2
  4. Start learning!

We will keep you updated.