
The lighthouse of learning.

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When using online resources for learning, the amount of information can be overwhelming. Especially for someone who is just starting out with that subject.


A learning assistant which recommends content according to the user’s needs and offers a journal for note-keeping in the browser.

Project timeline

  • M0 - Project idea and recruiting troops

    For the first milestone we had to form a team and come up with an idea. We started with 3 people, George, Irina and Vlad. After a short presentation held by Irina, we welcomed Daliana and Dora to our team. The starting idea revolved around a learning assistant.

  • M1 - First analysis of the market and refining the idea

    For this milestone we had to identify more clearly what problem we want to solve and how we are going to solve it. We had to gather some information about the market we are going to compete in, looking at the potential customers and our competition. We had to identify the key metrics that describe our product as well as look into costs and monetization of the product.

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  • M2 - Validation 1

    This is the first validation of our project. We decided on a set of questions that would yield key information about our potential customers. We got to see if the identified problem is real and if the solution is suited.

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  • M3 - Wireframe and Landing Page

    The third milestone consists of building wireframes for our proposed solution in order to describe the functionalities. In addition, a landing page is required for promoting our product to future customers.

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  • M4 - User experience

    In this milestone we validate our problem and solution once more by conducting another round of interviews. We also map out user flows, stories, personas and we determine the use cases of our solution.

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  • M5 - Validation 2

    In this milestone we did another round of validation. We polished the landing page and added Google Analytics and HotJar to monitor the number of users and their interaction with the page. We advertised our project on social media and in our friend groups to drive traffic to our landing page.

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  • M6 - Market Research

    In this milestone we analyze the target market, our competitors and approximate what our market share would look like over a 5 year timeframe.

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  • M7 - MVP

    We developed the very first version of our product. We kept it simple and included the key functionalities, while taking into consideration the feedback received during the validation process.

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  • M8 - First Sale

    In this milestone, we shared our product publicly and gained feedback. We understood what are the strong and weak points of our app. Also, we found out if there are users who would buy our solution.

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We are a team of 5 students from the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest. We stand for education and support it by uniting our efforts into making this project available for everyone.

George Diaconu

Software Engineer

Irina Sandu

Software Engineer

Vlad Vitan

Software Engineer

Daliana Stanescu

Software Engineer

Dora Nicoleta

Software Engineer